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Soal UAS PJOK Kelas 1 SD Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban Terlengkap


Download Soal PJOK Kelas 1 Semester 1: Tips and Resources

Are you a student in grade 1 who is looking for soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, I will show you what PJOK is, why it is important, how to prepare for it, and where to download soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1. By the end of this article, you will have everything you need to ace your PAS (Penilaian Akhir Semester) PJOK kelas 1 semester 1.

What is PJOK and why is it important?

PJOK stands for Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Kesehatan (Physical Education, Sports, and Health). It is a subject that teaches students about various aspects of physical activity, sports, health, and wellness. PJOK is part of the Kurikulum Merdeka (Free Curriculum) that was introduced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in Indonesia in 2020.

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PJOK is important because it helps students develop their physical, mental, and social skills. Through PJOK, students can learn how to:

  • Perform basic movements such as walking, running, jumping, throwing, catching, etc.

  • Play traditional games such as lompat tali (jump rope), lompat karet (rubber band jump), gobak sodor (hopscotch), etc.

  • Improve their balance, coordination, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, etc.

  • Understand the benefits of physical activity and sports for their health and well-being

  • Follow the rules and etiquette of sportsmanship and fair play

  • Cooperate and communicate with others in a team or group

  • Respect themselves and others regardless of their differences

  • Maintain their personal hygiene and prevent diseases

PJOK covers various topics such as basic movements, traditional games, balance, coordination, hygiene, etc. Each topic has its own learning objectives and indicators that students need to achieve. For example, one of the learning objectives for basic movements is to perform various types of walking with different directions and speeds. One of the indicators for this objective is to walk sideways with long steps.

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How to prepare for PAS (Penilaian Akhir Semester) PJOK Kelas 1 Semester 1?

PAS (Penilaian Akhir Semester) is an assessment that measures students' achievement of the learning objectives at the end of each semester. PAS PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 semester 1 consists of two parts: a written test and a practical test. The written test contains multiple-choice questions and short-answer questions that test students' knowledge and understanding of the topics. The practical test requires students to demonstrate their skills and abilities in performing the exercises and activities from the topics. To prepare for PAS PJOK kelas 1 semester 1, you need to do the following: - Understand the learning objectives and indicators of each topic. You can find them in the textbook, teacher's guide, or online sources. Make sure you know what you are expected to learn and do for each topic. - Review the materials from the textbook, teacher's guide, and online sources. You can read the text, watch the videos, listen to the audio, or look at the pictures that explain the topics. You can also ask your teacher or friends if you have any questions or doubts. - Practice the exercises and activities from the workbook and other resources. You can do the exercises and activities that help you practice your skills and abilities in each topic. You can also try to create your own exercises and activities based on your interests and preferences. - Test your knowledge and skills with sample questions and answers. You can find soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 from various sources such as books, websites, or apps. You can also make your own soal based on the learning objectives and indicators. You can check your answers with the answer keys or ask for feedback from your teacher or friends. Where to download soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1?

There are many websites that offer free or paid soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1. Some of them are:



This website provides soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 in PDF format. You can download them for free by clicking on the links. The soal are based on the Kurikulum Merdeka and cover all the topics.

This website provides soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 in HTML format. You can view them online or print them out. The soal are updated regularly and include questions from previous PAS.

This website provides soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 in DOCX format. You can download them for free by registering an account. The soal are created by professional teachers and include explanations and tips.

This website provides soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 in JPG format. You can download them for free by clicking on the images. The soal are taken from various sources and include answers.

You can also use search engines like Google or Bing to find more sources of soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1. Just type in keywords such as "soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1", "soal PAS PJOK kelas 1", "soal PJOK SD kelas 1", etc. You will get many results that you can choose from.

However, before you download any soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1, make sure to check the quality and validity of the soal. Some of the things you should look for are:

  • The source of the soal: Is it from a reputable website, book, or app? Is it based on the Kurikulum Merdeka? Is it updated and relevant?

  • The content of the soal: Does it match the learning objectives and indicators of each topic? Does it cover all the topics? Does it have a variety of questions and difficulty levels?

  • The format of the soal: Is it easy to read and understand? Is it clear and concise? Is it free from errors and mistakes?

  • The answer key of the soal: Does it provide correct and complete answers? Does it explain why the answers are correct or incorrect? Does it give feedback and suggestions?


PJOK is a subject that teaches students about physical activity, sports, health, and wellness. It is important because it helps students develop their physical, mental, and social skills. To prepare for PAS PJOK kelas 1 semester 1, students need to understand the learning objectives and indicators of each topic, review the materials from various sources, practice the exercises and activities from various sources, and test their knowledge and skills with sample questions and answers. Students can download soal PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 from many websites that offer free or paid soal. However, students should check the quality and validity of the soal before downloading them. I hope this article has helped you learn more about PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 and how to prepare for it. Studying PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 can be fun and rewarding if you do it with passion and enthusiasm. Remember, PJOK is not only about passing the test, but also about improving your health and happiness. So, keep practicing, keep learning, and keep smiling! FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about PJOK kelas 1 semester 1:

  • What is the difference between PJOK and PJKR?

PJOK stands for Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Kesehatan (Physical Education, Sports, and Health), while PJKR stands for Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi (Physical Education, Health, and Recreation). Both are subjects that teach students about physical activity, sports, health, and wellness. However, PJOK is part of the Kurikulum Merdeka (Free Curriculum) that was introduced in 2020, while PJKR is part of the Kurikulum 2013 (2013 Curriculum) that was used before. PJOK has more flexibility and autonomy in choosing the topics and methods of teaching and learning, while PJKR has more standardization and regulation in following the curriculum.

  • How many topics are there in PJOK kelas 1 semester 1?

There are six topics in PJOK kelas 1 semester 1. They are:

  • Basic movements

  • Traditional games

  • Balance

  • Coordination

  • Hygiene

  • Sportsmanship

  • How many questions are there in PAS PJOK kelas 1 semester 1?

The number of questions in PAS PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 may vary depending on the school or teacher. However, a common format is to have 20 multiple-choice questions and 10 short-answer questions for the written test, and one or two exercises or activities for the practical test.

  • How to study PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 effectively?

Some tips to study PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 effectively are:

  • Set a goal and a plan for your study. Decide what topics you want to focus on, how much time you want to spend on each topic, and what resources you want to use.

  • Use a variety of sources and methods to study. You can use books, websites, apps, videos, audio, pictures, etc. You can also use different methods such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, watching, doing, etc.

  • Review and revise regularly. You can use flashcards, summaries, notes, quizzes, etc. to review what you have learned. You can also revise by teaching others or explaining to yourself what you have learned.

  • Practice and apply what you have learned. You can do the exercises and activities from the workbook or other resources. You can also create your own exercises and activities based on your interests and preferences.

  • Seek feedback and improvement. You can ask your teacher or friends for feedback on your knowledge and skills. You can also check your answers with the answer keys or online sources. You can also look for areas that you need to improve or learn more.

  • Where can I find more information about PJOK kelas 1 semester 1?

You can find more information about PJOK kelas 1 semester 1 from various sources such as:

  • Your teacher or school

  • Your textbook or workbook

  • Your teacher's guide or online sources

  • Your friends or classmates

  • Your parents or family


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